Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Independence Day

Happy 4th of July

While everyone is out having fun, setting of fireworks, BBQing, Camping, or just relaxing, I hope we all remember what this day is really about. We all may think a little differently, have different beliefs, and different ways of life, but I hope that we can remember how lucky we are to live in such a great country. Right know we need to stand up and speak up for what we believe. Question what we see on T. V. don't just take what you see as fact and that is that. Questioning only can bring out the truth, or reconfirm the truth. I for one choose not to watch TV because it seem that the mainstream media has forgotten that they are set in place to keep the public informed not distract us from the truth of what is going on in our great country.
is trying to stay true to what press is really about in our country, so if your sick of mainstream media and news, check out free press and subscribe to there newsletter to keep informed.

Anyway enough about that Nico continues to grow and keep his mom and dad happy as can be.
We had a long night last night but that's what having a newborn is all about right!
We continue to love him more and more each day, and can't wait for everyone to come out to Hawaii and see him in person.
For now I will try to keep taking new pictures each day and update this blog so that you all can see him grow each day.
I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday.
Until next time,
With love and Aloha
Nate, Anya, and Nico

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