Thursday, July 3, 2008

Nico Snyder June 30th 2008

Nico Snyder

Nico Snyder was born Jun 30th 2008 at 4:51 am. He is 20 inches long and weighs 6 pounds 13 ounces.

It all started Sunday night at about 9:30. We had just gotten into bed and where reading our books. Anya was thinking to here self " I wonder if I am going to finish this book before the baby comes" When she looked up at me and said " I think my water just broke". She got out of bed and sure enough water was flowing.
On our way to the hospital she was already having 1 minuted contractions 5 minutes apart. By the time we got to labor and delivery, got here cloths changed, and got her into bed her contractions where already 2 minutes apart. She was controlling her breathing great for how fast her contractions where coming on. By 2am here contractions where right on top of each other with some lasting up to 3 and 1/2 minutes. The baby was sitting posterior so she was having all back labor which was becoming very exhausting and painful. The nurse had check her about 30 minutes prior and she was only at 3cm. She really wanted to have the baby naturally but because it was late at night and we had been up all day, the nurse started to persuade her to get an epidural. As her contractions continued to get stronger she said " OK lets do the epidural." So she got the epidural at about 2:15am. She was a lot more relaxed now and I needed to move the car out of the ER Parking lot so I went fast and moved the car. When I got back she said the nurse had checked her and she was now 10cm. They wanted to get the rest of her penicillin in her before pushing so we both rested for about 2 hours. At 4:10am the nurses had her start pushing. She pushed for about 40 minutes until Nico was born! I was by her side the whole time and even got to cut the umbilical cord, and all I can say is WOW! What a great experience. I am so proud of Anya and very grateful to have been apart of such an amazing process.
We are now both changed for life!!! I will agree with all my siblings that it is way different when you have kids of your own. I never thought that I would care so much for another human being in this life. I love Nico and Anya so much and never want to be apart from them.

So know we are home and much more comfortable. Anya has the next 12 weeks off of work to rest and spend time with Nico and I. I am going to be focusing more on stuff that I can work on at home so that I can be with them both more also.
For those who didn't know we have been living in Kailua Hawaii for the past year. Anya is a clinical dietitian at Queens Medical Center in Honolulu and I have been working on my glass art. You can see some of my work at My Website.
I have been selling at different fairs around the island and have a Gallery up on the North Shore that is selling some of my work also. I also have been selling stone chiseling tools for my old boss in Utah, which is what I am going to be concentrating on more. Rockbiter tools
So if you want some of my current glass work you better get it now because it is soon to be limited.
With Love and Aloha
Nathan, Anya, and Nico


averett's said...

I'm so glad you started a blog so we can see baby Nico more! Keep those pictures coming! We love to see your beautiful boy! Great job Anya! What an amazing women. We are so happy for you both!
the Averett's

Jenny said...

Congrats Nathan & Anya! Nico is adorable! Aunt Muff couldn't stop talking about Nico when she came down to visit my mom.